Thank you Cape Cod

Let me say thank you. A little over two weeks ago, I was named “Person of the Year.”
Me? Seriously?
I am blown away by you, Cape Cod; the support I have received is intense and deeply gratifying.
I wanted to thank you and acknowledge this fantastic honor but didn’t want to do it in a sappy, fake award ceremony speech. I did want to take a minute and awkwardly recognize that this moment was extraordinary for me.
Not because of the accolade itself but because I was genuinely surprised to win, let alone be nominated.
2020 changed my life.
The combination of losing a 20-year career I gave my life to. I missed so many things in my family’s life; I put the needs of fake things, people, and scenarios above those of the people who mattered to me the most for a job that threw me away for a line item in a budget. I knew it was coming in 2015 and tried to be that radio girl somewhere else; same thing, fake people, fake work, fake scenarios. I started Lemonadio in 2020 and had plenty of bumps and bruises, learning how to make a living and live authentically- how to be present in my life and put the things that mattered most first. I would not have done this without the support of my partner, my best friend, my IT guy, and the biggest “you can do it” person- Cliff. I would be crazy if I didn’t give a shout out to the squad of fabulous female friends that lifted while I leaned- not an easy thing for me to do! (you know who you are)
It was NOT without wrong turns, like the times I doubted myself, the moments I felt overwhelmed, and the instances when I had to navigate through difficult situations and once again accept jobs that were not serving me.
People tried to use me for their gain while I was working on setting boundaries. Toxic people were trying to bring me back into a dysfunctional system that I was finally able to see because I was no longer in it.
I was given the choice of taking the things that I loved the most about my former position as a morning radio host and community leader and leaving behind the mic to stand in front of the community and become a cheerleader, a friend, a supporter, and a champion of what is happening throughout the Cape. I have participated in your life celebrations: Pto Dances, Graduations, Weddings, birth announcements, and funerals. I have been there, and I will continue to be.
This year, we have built a non-profit, Lemon-aide Co., focused on cultivating voices and community choices. We built the Mashpee Farmers’ Market. We have been working with community groups and Community TV. Our hosts are a wide range of people learning new skills and sharing their life experiences: retirees, New Moms, Single moms, College students, Single Parents, Teenagers, and families.
I want to thank you for seeing me—not Stephanie Viva, but me as a person trying to create new paths to success for all who wish it.
I see you, too, and I am beyond lucky to have this opportunity to serve you, Cape Cod.